Co-ops are founded on the ideals of democracy, and are inherently democratic organizations controlled by their members. Join us in celebrating Vote Early Day – a celebration of every American’s right to be heard.
FREE ‘I Voted Early’ Buttons!
Want a free button? It’s easy:
Vote early! Cast your ballot before election day on November 5th.
Stop by the Co-op from October 26th – November 4th to get a free button. Available while supplies last.
Share a photo of your new button on social media and tell your friends to vote early! #voteearlyday
Voting early in Oregon is easy! Active registered voters will receive an official ballot to complete and return. The ballot can be mailed or dropped off at any official drop box across the state. Ballots must be received or mailed with a valid postmark by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Election Day is November 5, 2023.
Are you registered to vote in Oregon?
Click the link below to:
check if you are registered to vote
view your voter registration info
update your voter registration
The deadline to register is 21 days before Election Day.
For Jackson County, only registered voters in the following districts will be voting in the November Special Election: Applegate Valley Rural Fire Protection District, Colestin Rural Fire Protection District, Rogue River Rural Fire Protection District, Eagle Point School District, and the City of Rogue River. Voters in Josephine County have three measures to consider in the November Special Election. Visit your local county election page for additional information.