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Stream Smart

Positive Change for Stream Smart

Help Stream Smart plant trees, maintain pollinator gardens, hold Salmon Watch field trips, and build trails along the Greenway and Rogue River!

Stream Smart is an educational campaign that promotes increased awareness of everyday choices and how those choices may impact our local streams and rivers. Simple habit or behavior changes can help protect and improve water quality and overall watershed health. Stream Smart empowers everyone to do their part to turn our streams from brown to blue – change starts with you!

Stream Smart: A Rogue Basin Clean Water Project supports the community by providing education and opportunities to get involved to help protect and improve our streams and rivers. Protective actions support aquatic life and wildlife, recreation, clean water, and the scenic beauty of our region. They provide community members and schools with the knowledge, tools, technical assistance, training, hands-on experience, and examples of ways to help protect or improve water quality conditions and stream health on a larger scale and how you can help at home, school, or work. Stream Smart staff members attend regional events, restoring streams and rivers through invasive plant removal and planting native trees and shrubs, and monitoring water quality conditions in local waterways.

Positive Change funds will support the purchase of materials and supplies for streamside restoration and clean-up events with volunteers, as well as for water quality monitoring efforts. The funds will allow us to support more volunteers and community events by providing better tools, more native plants, including pollinator species, up-to-date monitoring equipment, and general resources like snacks, gloves, safety vests, mulch, etc.

Stream Smart is a community resource that is currently coordinated by and housed at the Rogue Valley Council of Governments’ (RVCOG) Natural Resources Department. The collaborative represents the local communities of Ashland, Central Point, Eagle Point, Grants Pass, Jacksonville, Medford, Phoenix, and Talent; Jackson and Josephine counties; education groups; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); watershed councils; agencies; and interested community members. Programs that are offered throughout the year which would be supported by the Positive Change funding include the Rogue Basin Salmon Watch program, the Bear Creek and Rogue River Clean-Ups, and Adopt-A-Greenway and Adopt-A-River efforts.

March 1

Food & Friends

May 1

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