Blog & Recipes
MFC Adopts 8th Cooperative Principle
Last year, our Board of Directors joined a growing number of cooperatives who have chosen to formally adopt the eighth principle. This principle reaffirms that cooperatives are stronger when we make a proactive effort to engage everyone in governance, management, and representation.
October is Co-op Month
October is Co-op Month! Celebrated by cooperatives nationwide during the month of October, National Co-op Month is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of a trusted, proven way to do business and build resilient, inclusive communities.
Cooperative Principle #7: Concern for Community
While the co-op is not a non-profit organization, the seventh cooperative principle ensures that our focus includes policies and objectives that express our concern and commitment to the community.
From the Board: Cooperative Principles #5 & #6
These “seven basic international principles serve as guidelines to provide a democratic structure for co-ops around the world."
From the Board: Cooperative Principles #3 & #4
The “cooperative principles” are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice. This month we will discuss Principles #3 and #4.
From the Board: The First Two Principles
“What exactly is a co-op and why would I want to join?” This was the question my friend recently asked me.