Blog & Recipes
From the Board of Directors: Candidates for 2025
Medford Food Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of up to nine democratically elected co-op owners and plays a vital role in the success and sustainability of MFC. Might you be willing to join the MFC Board?
From the Board of Directors: Expansion Update
For the past year, the Medford Food Co-op Board of Directors has been considering the feasibility of an expansion opportunity on site at our current location.
From the Board of Directors: Expansion Update
On March 23rd, MFC submitted preliminary plans to the City’s Planning Department to determine the possibility of expansion at our current location. The Board is still assessing feasibility and feedback from the Planning Department is essential before involving owners, employees, and the community in a wider discussion. Submitting plans to the city is a preliminary step in determining if expansion is financially feasible.
From the Board of Directors: Consider Joining the Board
Medford Food Co-op’s Board of Directors, comprised of up to nine community members, plays a vital role in the success and sustainability of our cooperative. They provide guidance, strategic planning, and oversight for the Co-op.
From the Board of Directors: Expansion Update
It seems like we’ve been talking about expansion for a very long time, and from a distance it may seem like not much is happening. Actually, the Board has been working diligently to move this process along.
A Successful Annual Owner Meeting
The Medford Food Co-op annual owner meeting was held at the Co-op on May 1, 2022.
MFC History: Fantastic Finale
So far, we’ve learned that the original founders of MFC committed resources too soon but were responsible for instituting the groundwork and foundation for their successors.
MFC History: Tough Transitions and a Glimmer of Hope
When we left off, the foundation and groundwork had been laid for Medford Food Co-op, known then as Medford Market Cooperative.
MFC History: Rocky and Risky Beginnings
Did you know? The first efforts to establish the Medford Food Co-op were unsuccessful.
At the Cusp of ‘What’s Possible’
An interview with Jon Steinman, author of Grocery Story – The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants.
From the Board: Cooperative Principles #5 & #6
These “seven basic international principles serve as guidelines to provide a democratic structure for co-ops around the world."
From the Board: Cooperative Principles #3 & #4
The “cooperative principles” are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice. This month we will discuss Principles #3 and #4.
Five Years Old, Five Years Young
We celebrated our five year milestone on Saturday, October 8th with music, games, food, cake, and community.
2016 Picnic on the Farm & Annual Owner Meeting
Thank you to all of our owners who braved the weather last Sunday for our Picnic on the Farm & Annual Owner Meeting at Pheasant Fields Farm.
Five Reasons to Join Your Local Co-op
You are what you eat, so you want to eat good food. Your local food co-op has the good food you want.